Apparently, the person who coined the phrase “there are no free gifts'' wasn't kidding… Free radicals are everywhere and are affecting you as you stroll down the block, sniff the “fresh” air (maybe not so fresh if you live in LA like me), take a bite of your lunch, spike a volleyball at the beach, or sip a delicious cocktail at the end of a long week. Free radicals cause generative diseases and premature anti-aging. `What the heck is a free radical anyway? First of all the body is under constant attack of oxidative stress through natural biological processes, or...
When we think of beautiful skin, we often go immediately to topical treatments. Not to say that topical creams and serums won’t help (obviously, since that is the essence of our brand LOL) but it is important that we recognize that our skin will not look the way we want- AKA good- unless we pay attention to our health and diet. What we put in our body is ultimately reflected in some way exteriorly. If we put more intention into our diet and daily routine, as well as listen to our bodies we willfeelbetter and our skin willlookbetter. Here are a few things to consider when eating for your skin...